Emergency Medicine articles covering diagnosis, lab studies, imaging, procedures, prehospital care, emergency department care, prognosis, follow-up.
Trick of the trade: Quieting the shaky EKG tracing
A patient with Parkinson's disease presents with chest pain to your ED. Her tremors prevent you from getting a good quality EKG because of the movement artifact.
How can you eliminate this artifact? (No cheating with rocuronium.)
Trick of the Trade
Have the patient sit on his/her hands.
Although I haven't tried this myself, this trick apparently works for people with upper extremity tremors and movement disorders. Has anyone used this trick? It's been referenced in: Burdick E350 Operating Manual. Milton, Wis: Siemens Burdick, Inc; 1990.
Thanks to Brooke, RN for this tip, and Alex for being a hand-sitting model!