Sort me! Paucis Verbis cards now catalogued

After much recent feedback on the poll about the Paucis Verbis cards (thanks to all who responded!), I see trends:
  • Several have commented that it is getting increasingly difficult to find a card that they are searching for. There are over 100 cards now! So, I managed to figure out how to embed a Google Doc spreadsheet into the blog, which now allows you to sort and search for particular cards (minor HTML coding necessary). This list will permanently live on the Paucis Verbis page.
  • Many are downloading cards manually. That's crazy, and I apologize for wasting your time. I made a zipped file with the first 100 PV cards. It's the top listed file in the spreadsheet. 
  • There's a mix of readers using Dropbox and Evernote, so I'll continue to upload the cards there as well. I renamed the cards a little better in Dropbox so that the titles are easier to search (thanks to the anonymous user on the poll).