Patwari Academy videos: Presenting patients in the ED

Doing well on your Emergency Medicine rotation, whether you are a medical student or resident, will depend in large part on your ability to deliver a coherently concise presentation to the senior resident or attending physician. It's about telling a story that fits into the construct of how the expert physician thinks.

If you ask 20 attendings physicians what the perfect presentation is like, you'll get 40 different answers. I know, frustrating. Rahul's video describes a reasonable approach and thought process.

We've also covered this hot topic on this blog:

Related links:
1. Teaching Residents from Other Services: EM-RAP Educators Edition
Rob Rogers (@EM_Educator) and Michelle Lin (@M_Lin)

2. Medical Student Presentation
Rob Rogers (@EM_Educator), George Willis, and Adam Friedlander 

Steve Carroll (@embasic)