How to perform a perimortem cesarean section (c-section) ...


  • pregnant patient in cardiac arrest who has not responded to resuscitation efforts within 4 minutes of onset

  • viable fetus, generally > 24 weeks (but somewhat institution dependent)


  • vertical incision from 2-3 cm above pubic symphysis to 1 cm below the umbilicus

  • extend incision through subcutaneous fat to rectus sheath

  • grasp rectus sheath with forceps and carefully make incision through it with scalpel/Mayo scissors

  • expose the uterus

  • make midline vertical incision through uterus with scalpel/scissors

  • deliver fetus


Reichman, E MD and Simon, R MD. "Perimortem Cesarean Section" Emergency Medicine Procedures. McGraw Hill. 2004.

Roberts, J MD. et al. "Perimortem Cesarean Section" Roberts: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine 4th ed. Elsevier. 2004.