Review: "The Doctors" Season 1 (2008 TV series)

I was working out at the gym the other day when an advertisement for the new television show The Doctors caught my eye. Being a physician myself, I wanted to see what the show was all about. I Tivo'd and viewed my first episode a couple days ago and about 15 minutes in decided that this is probably the worst talk show that I've seen since Magic Johnson's, The Magic Hour. The Magic Hour lasted for about eight weeks. I'll be generous and give The Doctors one season before they're canned.

Let's start with the host, Travis Lane Stork. Yes, he's a great looking guy. There's a reason he was chosen to be The Bachelor on the TV show of the same name but good looks don't necessary equate to good talk show host. A good host engages their audience and draws them in by being genuinely interested in the topics at hand. I don't get this vibe from Travis but I can't blame him either. He's an emergency medicine physician by training trying to lead a discussion about topics which he probably doesn't give a hoot about such as irritable bowel syndrome and body mass index.

On top of this, the discussions often are rigid and forced. But then again how can they not be when a group of four physicians of diverse backgrounds including an emergency medicine physician, OB-GYN, plastic surgeon and pediatrician are trying to discuss a topic such as body mass index which is quite tangential to their respective areas of expertise. Sure, the pediatrician, Dr. Jim Sears, might have some strong opinions about this topic given the epidemic of childhood obesity but the others? I don't think so. They can add some banter to fill the airwaves but nothing of real substance.

I also find it concerning that Andrew Ordon, the plastic surgeon, promotes cosmetic surgery so favorably without giving fair exposure to the potential downsides. Granted, the potential complications are mentioned but often glossed over and marginalized by Dr. Ordon. Whenever he speaks it sounds like an infomercial for plastic surgery and all that it can do for you ... your look, confidence and life .... ahhh, a panacea. Although, as he mentioned, he's never had any plastic surgery procedure done on himself. That's interesting.

Since watching my first episode of the show I have to admit that I've caught a couple additional episodes because its so engagingly bad. Perhaps I'd have a different opinion if I weren't in the medical profession. What are your thoughts?

Be a judge for yourself. Here's a link to "The Doctors" official webpage