What's the treatment of this rash: painless papular lesions in perineum of sexually active male?

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Molluscum Contagiosum

Treatment: In healthy individuals, lesions heal spontaneously but this may take up to 2 years. In immunocompromised individuals lesions often don't resolve spontaneously and aggressive treatments (curettage, cryosurgery) should be considered.

Etiology: molluscum contagiosum virus spread by skin to skin contact

Physical Exam: papules, pearly white or skin-colored, central keratotic plug which gives lesion a central dimple; gentle pressure on a molluscum causes the central plug to be extruded

Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 5th ed

Image: "Source: Bárbara Pereira MD, Dermatology Online Journal "