Hot off the press: Two journals join Medline

If a journal gets accepted it into the Medline database, it is viewed with significantly more legitimacy. It follows then that your academic CV is better regarded if your publications appear in journals which are listed on Medline. Plus, it's just fun to see your name listed in Pubmed when you search yourself! Hmm, that sounded more egotistical than I intended, especially since I don't have that many publications on Medline...

I wanted to let you know of 2 journals which have just joined the Medline "family". They are worth a look-see. Congrats to both journals for pulling off this Herculean task.

1. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (West JEM)
After years of working towards getting this journal into Medline, it has finally come true. Led by the efforts of Dr. Mark Langdorf (UC Irvine), Dr. Shahram Lotfipour (UC Irvine), and Dr. Sean Henderson (Univ of Southern California), this journal is worth considering for your Emergency Medicine publication. Shahram also tells me that West JEM is also going to be included in the EM Journal Watch review series, which summarizes key articles from the major EM journals.

2. Medical Education Online
This journal is uniquely an open source online journal dedicated primarily to medical education since 1996. I'm pleased to see it join the family of Medline journals.