USC 2008 medical student symposium videos

Over the years of advising medical students interested in Emergency Medicine as a career choice, I often point them to the SAEM website where there are many practical tips and FAQs written by EM faculty across the country. Recently, I discovered that the University of Southern California EM Medical Student Symposium from 2008 was videotaped and posted online. These free video clips are a great resource for those of you advising medical students.

Go to USC's EM Core Content website.

Finding the videos
Under the Conferences menu (blue bar in the upper right), select "USC EM Medical Student Symposium". There are 10 free lectures:

Introductions (Dr. Jorge Fernandez)
ACEP and AAEM (Dr. Billy Mallon, Dr. Stu Swadron)
Career Paths in EM (Dr. Scott Votey)
Careers in EM (Dr. Mark Morocco)
Choosing a Residency (Dr. Stu Swadron)
Optimizing Your Fourth Year (Dr. Michelle Lin)
Matching Your Strengths to a Program (Dr. Dustin Smith)
Toxicology Review (Dr. Aaron Schneir)
Ultrasound Review (Dr. Rusty Oshita)
History of EM (Dr. Mel Herbert)