Paucis Verbis: Head CT clinical decision rules in trauma

The ideal clinical decision tool has a sensitivity and specificity of 100%.

You need a high sensitivity to be sure that your negative result indeed predicts a true negative. That means if your clinical decision tool suggests that you don't need to get a head CT, then your head CT would have been normal.

On the flip side, this realistically means there is a low-moderate specificity. That means a clinical decision tool with at least 1 positive criterion does not always mean that there will be an abnormal finding on head CT.

There are 3 major clinical decision rules that I've heard tossed around in the literature:
  • Canadian CT Head Rules (CCHR)
  • New Orleans Criteria (NOC)
  • National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS)-II 
There is no perfect tool.

Take a look at these decision rules and their inclusion criteria.
  • The CCHR included patients with GCS 13-15. The NOC initially enrolled only patients with a GCS of 15. 
  • All factor in age (≥65 years for CCHR and NEXUS-II; ≥60 years for NOC). 
  • Interestingly only the CCHR, for better or worse, take into account mechanism of injury. I'm not sure I would obtain a head CT on a pedestrian with a graze wound on the foot from a slow-moving vehicle.
Which do you use? I use a combination of all 3 and my clinical gestalt.