Free iPad contest: Be a PEMSoft app tester

Hot off the press from the folks over at PEMSoft:

Be the first to see the beta version of the new PEMSoft App on a FREE iPad 2. You can help bring PEMSoft App to life by using the beta app in your clinical unit, whether that be the pediatric emergency department, pediatric inpatient service, or pediatric ICU.

All you need to do is give feedback on the beta version over three separate 4-week blocks. Between the 4-week blocks, the team will be upgrading and improving the app based on multiple feedback sources including you! Afterwards, you get to keep the iPad 2.


  • There will only be 1 winner chosen.
  • The App is to be used on the iPad 2 in a pediatric unit or pediatric emergency department by the physician team on a daily basis.
  • We would like feedback on the App relating to how it is working, any errors found, and suggestions for improvement. 
  • You will provide weekly feedback over three discrete 4-week block periods.
  • After the feedback period, you keep the iPad 2. 

To enter, email a short paragraph to on how and why you think your pediatric team can use the new PEMSoft App.

Application deadline: May 11, 2012

Disclosure: I am the Procedures section editor for PEMSoft and part of the nonprofit organization KidsCareEverywhere, which distributes free copies of PEMSoft to underserved countries.