Can you list 11 causes of hyperkalemia? Here are 2 freebies to start: Renal failure and hemolysis ...

  1. Renal failure

  2. Pseudohyperkalemia ie hemolysis

  3. Acidosis

  4. Insulin deficiency

  5. B-blockers

  6. Digoxin toxicity

  7. Massive cellular necrosis (tumor lysis, rhabdo, ischemic bowel)

  8. Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis

  9. Decreased affective arterial volume (CHF, cirrhosis)

  10. Excessive K intake

  11. Hypoaldosteronism (secondary to decreased renin production - diabetic nephropathy, NSAIDS; or decreased aldosterone synthesis - primary adrenal disorder, ACE inhibitor, ARBs; or decreased response to aldosterone from meds such as K-sparing diuretics, TMP-SMX)


Sabatine, M. MD. Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine. 3rd ed. 2008.
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