Do any of you have a Twitter account? Do you have MULTIPLE Twitter accounts? As a quick, social media format, Twitter has allowed us to learn of everything in the world as it happens in real-time. This includes Gary Coleman's death, oil spills, natural disasters, ongoing conference events, and updates from the CDC.
Increasingly so, people are managing multiple accounts. This helps you divide personal "tweets" from work-related "tweets". For now, I personally think Twitter is ideal for work-related and world-related news. Thus I follow such "feeds" as:
- @CDCemergency
- @ACEPNews
- @TED_Tweets
- @CNNbrk (stands for CNN Breaking News)
- @Oprah
Just recently, I joined the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine's (SAEM) Social Media Committee, which is headed by my friend and colleague Nick Genes (@blogborygmi) at Mount Sinai. Nick is leading the charge to revamp the SAEM Facebook page and Twitter account (@SAEMonline).
In anticipation of the upcoming SAEM meeting during the first week of June 2010, those who subscribe to the @SAEMonline feed have been getting routine "tweets" of high-profile abstracts being presented at the meeting.
Since I've been posting a few tweets recently under the @SAEMonline account, I learned how to use Hootsuite at Here are screen captures from my personal Twitter account (@MLin) and SAEM (@SAEMonline).

Hootsuite is an amazing website that allows you to easily navigate, read, post, and manage multiple Twitter accounts, instead of logging into and out of Twitter every time you want to post from a different account name. You can even schedule tweets to be released. Oh, and did I mention that there is a free iPhone app, which allows you to manage these accounts on the go?
Check it out at I would even consider using this even if you have a single account. It has a nice layout and logical flow to the site.
Disclaimer: I have no financial affiliation with Hootsuite.