Get feedback on your PPT or PDF files:

The smart folks at Zurb have come up with a clever app. This free Web-based app, called Reel, allows you to quickly collect thumbs-up/ thumbs-down votes on each slide or image. . Think of it as Slideshare with a "likes" feature added.

So if you are working on a Powerpoint, a series of images, or even PDF's and want feedback from friends and colleagues without having to email the large file around, think about uploading to Reel. What a great way of crowd-sourcing feedback.

For instance, here are my "Tricks of the Trade" lectures slides for the upcoming ACEP meeting in October. See how you can give a like or hate vote to each slide. Feedback is welcome but alas they already made me turn in the files a long while ago.

Note: This only works for still images, so movie files in my Powerpoint slides don't work.
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