Renee Hsia, MD MPH
Medical school: Harvard
Grad school: London School of Economics & School of Hygiene and Tropical Med
Residency: Stanford-Kaiser
Grad school: London School of Economics & School of Hygiene and Tropical Med
Residency: Stanford-Kaiser
What is your academic niche and how did you decide upon it?
I am absolutely passionate about the clinical practice of EM and, without a doubt, being in the emergency department forms not only the basis of my work, but also provides the impetus behind my research. Beyond the clinical practice, I spend a lot of time thinking about the development of health systems and its impact on populations, both domestically and globally. I can pinpoint when this broader perspective came alive to me to a brief period of my life when I lived in South Africa for six months. As a “colored” in that society, I realized on a very personal level that systems matter, and that almost all of the disparities I saw — and experienced — stemmed from policies that were intentionally and systematically designed to not only create, but also maintain, these injustices.
Since then, I’ve spent my energy in better understanding the health care systems and impacts of policies on underserved populations in domestic and international contexts. Some people wonder if doing domestic and global health work is contradictory, but I find that they mutually enrich my understanding of the other. Especially at San Francisco General, which is the county hospital for SF and where the majority of homeless patients receive their care, I find striking parallels in the barriers that patients who have few resources make, whether it be in the U.S. or in Africa. Examples range from patients who must decide whether to forgo medicine for food, where they should seek care, and how the context influences their behavior.
So who were your mentors?
Tough question; I think “mentorship” can range from those who, in the traditional sense of the word, teach you more in a certain discipline, to those who, on a broader scale, inspire you to be who you were to created to be. I’ve had incredible teachers who have been incredible mentors in both meanings of the word. But I’ve also been blessed to be challenged by people I wouldn’t necessarily think could or would lead me to think more deeply about my place in life. Many of the larger lessons I’ve been learning along the way have been taught to me by children.
What are you currently working on?
A million things, but I’ll name a few!
One of my projects is looking at whether emergency services are less available to underserved populations – meaning, those who are poor, have no insurance, or are minority. Since health care in this country is largely driven by market forces, there are inevitable effects of this choice on certain populations. Practically, for example, many ED physicians and health care administrators would say that areas with high proportions of the uninsured will have fewer emergency services since hospitals in these areas can’t afford to keep these services open. And while anecdotally we think this is true, there’s been relatively little research to actually provide evidence for this. I’m working on a few projects that show that this is indeed happening in emergency departments and trauma centers.
Wow. A perfect example that clearly one person CAN make a difference.