Adding YouTube videos to your Powerpoint lectures
If this is true, then a video is worth 10,000 words.
This is why adding videos or dynamic images to your Powerpoint lectures is key, if you can find one to illustrate your teaching point. However, it takes a mini-lifetime to create a polished video. More likely you will find one already done on YouTube.
The problem in running online YouTube videos during your talk is that internet connection may not be reliable. I've given talks at ACEP, SAEM, CORD, and AAEM, and it is a hassle to get internet. It is an added cost and frankly, I don't want to have to rely on something out of my control to make my videos run.
My solution?
I download relevant YouTube videos onto my hard drive and insert them into my Powerpoint slides. Presumably if they are on YouTube, I won't be infringing on any copyright laws, especially because this is for non-commercial and pure educational purposes.
I did this most recently for last month's 2nd annual Trauma Intensive Care Symposium. For my talk, I downloaded a video of a Glidescope endotracheal intubation (which I used in yesterday's blog) and various dynamic ultrasound videos of positive FAST exams.
How do you download YouTube videos?
There are multitude of ways and most of them are free. For me, the most simple site is KeepVid. (I have no financial ties.) It's free. Simply find the URL address of the YouTube video you want, and paste the address into the blue bar. Click "download".
You can download in .flv format (for Flash) or .mp4 format. Macintosh powerpoint files will play mp4 videos. I'm not sure about PC powerpoints. Anyone know?
Happy downloading. Comments welcome.